Overlay is a game developed through Unity that makes users cover a background circle with other differently sized circles based on the Disk Covering Algorithm. If the background is still showing that means the player has not placed the other smallers circles correctly and therefore the level is not complete yet. Each level consists of a timer and four times the optimal circles needed to cover the background circle. The difficulty of the game becomes increasingly harder after every ten stages. Place circles fast and strategically to cover the background to score well and be placed on the top ten rankings! Select a song from options to jam out to or mute the volume and chill.
Creators: Ryan Devaney & Sanya Gupta
Instructors: Sergiu Dascalu & Devrin Lee
Advisors: Vinh Le & Connor Scully-Allison
CS 426 Senior Project in Computer Science, Spring 2018, at UNR, CSE Department
A game development platform and engine that is being used to build Overlay.
A Python microframework used in the creation of a RESTful web service..
A web service that communicates with the Unity game through four HTTP web requests: GET, POST, PUT, and, DELETE to update game rankings..
The format in which data is stored and passed between client and server.
This is where vital information regarding Overlay is found, including books, articles, and Overlay documentation.
Joe Hawkings
Project Domain Book
This book teaches developers how to go about creating games in Unity. It is primarily meant for people who have had prior coding knowledge in languages such as C++/C as games created in Unity use C#. This is the perfect book for the team as they are all experienced programmers and have also prior game design and creation knowledge with other another game engine called Gamemaker and with one member having some experience in Unity itself.
Reference Article
This scholarly article outlines how one should go about designing a product that is heavily focused on human-computer interaction so the final product is enjoyable and efficient for the user to use. This is a helpful paper for Shape Fitter, as it relies on the experience of a strong human-computer interaction to create a fun yet challenging atmosphere. This article helps the developers and UX designers create a wonderful and engaging product so it will not fail in the market and continue to flourish.
Project Related Website
The website above is a great resource for members new to Unity. It has a link to a video which gives a nice overview of some of the tools and functionalities that Unity provides for its developers. Likewise, there are other links to other specific features such as sprite creation and rendering. Members should consult this website if something is challenging in terms of implementing as they can gain an idea through some of the tutorials provided.
Project Related Website
This website goes over the ratios needed to calculate the size of the smaller circle using the Disk Covering Algorithm which is vital to the game play.
Project Video
Demo of Level 1
Project Documentation
Project Documentation
Team 12 consists of two senior undergraduate Computer Science students at the University of Nevada, Reno advised by two graduate Computer Science students.
UI & Backend Specialist
Game Designer & Architect
Graduate Advisor
Graduate Advisor
My wife doesn't cheat on me anymore!
Jervyn Suigitan
Space Cadet for the Space Flight Simulator
I finally have friends.
Jacob Lee
Airflight Engineer for the Space Flight Simulator
Shapes are cool
Adriano Masteo
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